Rollup Wiki
A wiki of terms to define different Rollup designs and terminology:
- Aggregation is the process of batching transactions into one batch. A batch of transactions consists of one or more transactions.
- A based rollup is a rollup that delegates aggregation to a DA-Layer.
- Execution is the process by which the transactions in the blockchain are processed and their effects are applied to the state of the blockchain.
- Header production is the process of creating the Rollup header backed by specific security properties.
- Inclusion is the process by which a transaction is accepted into the blockchain.
- Ordering is the process of arranging transactions in a specific sequence in the blockchain.
- A pessimistic rollup is a rollup that only supports full nodes that replay all the transactions in the rollup to check its validity.
- Rollup Block is a data structure representing the Blockchain at a certain height. It consists of Rollup Data and Rollup Headers.
- Rollup Data is either a batch of transactions or the state difference between transaction batches.
- Rollup Header is metadata about the block which at minimum includes a commitment to the transactions in that blocks.
- Rollups are blockchains that post their Transaction Data to another blockchain and inherit its consensus and data availability.
- Sequencing is the process of aggregation and header production.